Saturday, December 27, 2008

Entry for December 28, 2008

Quiet day yesterday, just cleaning up after having a "party" Christmas night. Thankfully my direct neighbors were out so while she was occasionally noisy, nobody suspected it was all one rather drunk green skinned woman. She didn't trash my house or all its contents, but came close. Pretty much everything moved or shifted, half of it dumped on the ground. Practically the only thing she didn't touch was the Christmas present I got for Doc.

I bought it long before I drank the formula, and it sits forlornly under my little Christmas tree. I really miss Doc, not just for the prospect of find out how to cure or control what I am, but seems unlikely I'll see him anytime soon now that I'm "famous"...

I felt a mixture of emotions hit me when idly flicking through the Sunday Mail, only actual print paper which is mainly just for the weekly TV guide it includes, this morning when I stumbled across a article about "her". Not front page, page 23, but taking up almost the entire page. It would be kind of flattering, if I wasn't so scared by what it portends.

The article seems to take the tact that people are perhaps having too much Christmas "cheer", or its a prank of some sort, though they wonder what a woman with green body paint would be doing running around nude/semi-nude. The even include a handy map of sightings, revealing that if its accurate I've TFed at least seven times which is more than I was previously aware of. But it also revealed that there is another Hulk-like creature out there, and this one is male.

The article has written off the male creature appearances as unclear and misidentification sightings of me/her, which is amusing in an article that seems to be built on outright rumor and the fact that I doubt anybody could not tell the difference between a guy and somebody sporting her chest, but if the timeline they quote is even half-way accurate the male-Hulk appeared before I drank the formula.

The other appearances have occurred at times where I know I haven't changed, at least during the day I'm sure, so it has to be Doc. Well, it could be another guy, but the first appearance happened within a day of Doc ringing to tell me the formula results exceeded his wildest exceptions and after he first didn't show up at the lab, which leads me to safely assume its him.

The map indicates the male/"vague" sightings seem to be heading south, couple in the Gold Coast for example, so he seems to be heading away from Brisbane, his home, the lab... and me. As to why Doc would be running away from everything he cares about, I can only assume he's running, which doesn't bode well for me.

Does this mean I should also be running now that she seems to making the paper, even as a UFO type article in slow news weeks as Christmas holidays, that I may be leading people to me to try and capture me? My escapade in the shopping centre may mean she might be just as concerned about capture as I am, through "appearances" like her Christmas night rampage seems to counter that. The thought of waking up strapped to a table as people try to dissect me doesn't fill me with joy...

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it has to be tough not to tell your creature apart from the doctor's. But I'm not sure that running will help in the long term. What I'm wondering is if Doc has tried to work on a cure, or if he just started running not long after he first changed. I wonder if he even knows about your "condition"? Although judging by his relationship (or lack thereof) with you before this all happened, I doubt that knowledge would be strong enough to bring him back to help. Just try to keep holding on and take things day by day.

    *On a side note, I want to say that I've definitely been enjoying these blog entries. Quite creative and entertaining!*
